Digital Photography
Istanbul, 2017
Acting as Maria and Horst, Ephemeral Sculptures sought to integrate these two figures into the cultural history of Istanbul. Sculpture has been the medium through which kings, intellectuals, conquerors, popes and members of the elite have solidified their positions of power through public glorification of personal strength and heroisms. It is a method of shaping history. The mission of Maria and Horst was to become infamous within, and imprint upon the Istanbul art scene. To create a language that was unique to the pair, we developed a vocabulary of poses together, choosing gestures of power and grace that also were indicative of a level of oddness. We wanted to become the author of our own story.
Maria and Horst were residents of Kulturakademie Tarabya, a residency program by Goethe Institute Germany. The concept for Maria and Horst originated from a group of Christian Jankowski’s students. They are a fictional, stereotypical artist couple from Berlin, enacted by 28 artists, changing roles between Maria and Horst every two weeks for a six-month duration.
Performance partners from 01.-18.02.2017 in Ephemeral Sculptures were Ezgi Böttger, Jen Kratochvil and Theo Dietz.
01.08. – 17.09.17 “Sinopale 6”, curated by T. Melih Görgün, Nike Bätzner, Jonatan Habib Engqvist, Sinop, TR
14.07 – 16.07.2017 Annual Exhibition 2017, States Academy of fine Arts Stuttgart, DE